Renowned for her intelligence, influence and beauty, this namesake ring carries her powerful allure. This powerful ring with a huge luminous blue labradorite stone is perfect to wear when commanding your armies or typing an email.
$ 69.11
$ 53.16
Renowned for her intelligence, influence and beauty, this namesake ring carries her powerful allure. This powerful ring with a huge luminous blue labradorite stone is perfect to wear when commanding your armies or typing an email.
$ 50.00
$ 87.75
$ 67.50
$ 72.92
$ 56.09
$ 79.99
$ 39.99
$ 48.00
$ 39.99
$ 139.00
$ 99.99
$ 12.00
$ 64.99
$ 59.99
$ 42.95
$ 44.99